
Anna G offers presents four different versions of Ashley: Spring, Autumn, Winter, and Summer.

The Four Seasons of Ashley ©

Ashley Spring

Ashley Autumn

Ashley Winter

Ashley Summer

$75.00 per kit.
Each kit is complete with everything that is needed to complete this adorable 5" doll sitting in a swing on a free-standing tree that is embroidered.

ASHLEY SPRING contains instruction sheet, printed fabric for dress and apron, doll, bear, needles, wire armature, piping, wood seat, jump rings, wire for swing, bird, 100% rayon thread for dress, tree, flowers and grass.

ASHLEY AUTUMN contains instruction sheets, dress& bat fabric, doll, hat, 3 pumpkin balls, wire armature, piping, wood seat, jump rings, wire for swing, broom, solvy, black cat, 100% rayon thread for grass, tree, pumpkins, flowers, needles.

ASHLEY SPRING contains instruction sheets, dress fabric, grape wreath, bear, doll, wire armature, solvy, piping, jump ring, wire for swing, candles, wood seat, 100% rayon thread for grass, tree, poinsettia, leaves, needles.

ASHLEY SUMMMER contains instruction sheet, fabric for old fashion bathing suit, hat, doll, wire armature, solvy, piping, jump ring, wire for swing, wood seat, needles, 100% rayon thread for tree, grass, grapes, leaves & toy.

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